Widget Photon Engine

Powering the Cystoscope

Starting from a 3D-printed model, I created a CAD model of the widget “photon engine” to power the cystoscope. This allowed me to design the cystoscope to incorporate the widget.

 Physical Object to Virtual Model

To start, I had to create a dimensioned engineering drawing of the widget. I took careful measurements and made sure to include the curved details on the edges, as these are important to the widget’s function.

After making a model of the widget, I rendered it onto a workshop bench environment.


 Design for Manufacture

I made a model of the widget, but it could not be injection molded. I redesigned the widget for the simplest possible injection mold: using no complex techniques like side pulls, lifters, or collapsing cores.

 Sheet Metal Cradle

The widget is calibrated using the two “ears” on the sides and the holes on the top and bottom. Therefore, I needed to design a sheet metal component to support the widget. I used Fusion 360’s sheet metal functionality to design a flat metal pattern, then fold it into the cradle. The final rendered image can be seen below, with the cradle mounted on a T-slot rail.